Introduction API Access Setup Service User Creation Token Endpoint

DeepSign API Documentation

DeepCloud API Access Setup and Authorization Overview

DeepCloud Authorization

This documentation outlines the onboarding process for accessing the DeepCloud API's.

Essentially, the process is divided into the following 3 steps : The steps 1 and 2 establish the necessary configuration and service user for accessing the DeepCloud access. Step 3 enables access to the DeepCloud API functionality.

Step 1 : API Access Setup

During the API Access Setup process the partner is assigned a and to identify themselves with DeepCloud.

To request API access, contact DeepCloud at :

Note: The recommended and most commonly used method to retrieve the Service-User Credentials is via "Manual Copy-Paste". The creation of the Service-User Credentials is a one time process for the DeepCloud owner to log into their account and authorize the creation the Service-User and grant the access. The Client is typically an "On-Premise" solution using a pre-configured and to validate access to the DeepCloud. ()

Using "Manual Copy-Paste" gives the DeepCloud owner full visual control over the granting of access and, manually copying the Service-User credentials, allows them to re-confirm the access, after the Service-User has been created. The "Manual Copy-Paste" can be used for both "On-Premise" and "Web-Based" solutions. ()

The following criteria define how you retrieve the Customer Service-User credentials and authorized the access to the DeepCloud API's :

Client Type
Authorization Method
Service-User Credentials Retrieval

During the partner registration the partner is assigned a that is used to identify partner in DeepCloud for the DeepCloud access.

JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)

DeepCloud needs to register external partner service applications as an OAuth client application on DeepCloud (Arcanite). The following information will be required :
  • A public key as a JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) to access DeepCloud (either an URL which points to the JWKS or alternatively the JWKS itself)
  • An optional , if not using "Manual Copy-Paste" for the Service-User Credential flow (during the Service-User creation in Step 2)
  • A logo which can be displayed by the DeepAdmin WebUI during the authentication flow (the logo will be displayed during the Service-User creation in Step 2)
The JWKS is generated by the partner team. The recommended option is to define the JWKS via an URL. This way the access token can be managed by the partner without having to change the configuraiton URL.

If the Service-User Credentials are retrieved using a , the must also be registered with DeepCloud and will be verified before creation of the Service-User.

For the development "DEV" site, the IdP Software (Identity Provider) used by DeepCloud support with wildcards at the end of the URI but not within the URI itself (e.g.{*} is possible, but not https://{*}

JWKS - The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server and signed using the RS256 signing algorithm.
Note : It is important to define a unique Json-Web-Key-ID for each Json Web Key in the JWKS. A JWKS can contain more than one Json-Web-Key, so it is important to define each Key with a unique Json-Web-Key-ID ("kid").

Example of a randomly generated Public Key in a JSON Web Key Set:
  "keys": [
      "kty": "RSA",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "sig",
      "kid": "YFFeWxTfTvBYznquRRnbsS00DCJcBtxBOcKLKhwBUAk",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "srfsGWNEjanMMZ0HP7gORejXIyGXv75ZB-LG9AvQhgVsOUxhMfR965L8J...[abbreviated for display]...LfohzZ5J-U56wFOQhFEjqeO3oxz7uKqGZzswdz7Q"
There are various ways to create JWKS. The examples shown in this documentation were generated using the website to generate Private and Public key sets. The Private key is required for the JWT (Json Web Token) signature in the Step 3 (Usage Phase) when generating the "client_assertion".

Step 2 : Service User Creation

A service user is required for the partner service to access the DeepCloud API's. To create a service user, follow the steps below.

For instructions on how to create a DeepCloud account see the support page : Support Page : How to create an account Login to the DeepCloud account with the following URL, to create the service user for the specified .
If the partner registration has been configured with a , the URL can contain the with "response_mode=form_post" or alternatively, "response_mode=copy_paste" can be used, where the DeepCloud User must manually copy the Server-User credentials to the accessing client software.

An example URL using the redirect URI is as follows :
URL's using manual copy-paste :
URL's using manual copy-paste :


The URL parameters are defined as follows :
  • response_type : the normal value is service_account (e.g. response_type=service_account)
  • client_id : configured from Step 1 (e.g. client_id=my-partner-client-id)
  • response_mode : the normal value is form_post (e.g. response_mode=form_post
  • redirect_uri : the configured in Step 1 (e.g. redirect_uri=
  • state : a non-guessable random value such a guid used to validate the post_form request for the partner service (e.g. state=033b52cf-1112-4624-bb63-042b891effb6)
  • actions : optional configured actions - only necessary if actions have been configured on DeepSign(actions=xyz)

After calling the URL in the Internet Browser, the customer can log into their DeepCloud account as normal via the browser, and accept the partner access. The Login to the DeepCloud looks like the following:

Following the login to DeepCloud, the Browser will display something like the following, where the customer can authorize the creation of the Service-User for accessing their DeepCloud account.

After accepting the DeepCloud access, the Service-User will be created on the customer DeepCloud account and the details of the Service-User will be sent to the configured by the Partner. The must be registered with DeepCloud during Step 1 (Partner Setup) and will be verified before creation of the Service-User. The partner must store the Service-User information securely, as the Service-User will be used to establish the connection to the customer DeepCloud account in the Step 3 (Usage Phase)

When successfully validated, DeepAdmin sends a POST request form back to the configured . An example form Request is as follows :
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache

  <head><title>Submit This Form</title></head>
  <body onload="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()">
   <form method="post" action="">
     <input type="hidden" name="state" value="033b52cf-1112-4624-bb63-042b891effb6"/>
     <input type="hidden" name="service_account_id" value="0c482998-e6f7-483d-b57c-668246cacc90"/>
     <input type="hidden" name="service_account_username" value=""/>
     <input type="hidden" name="service_account_password" value="82689c74-055f-483f-aa09-8c96cdd63b40"/>
     <input type="hidden" name="creator_email" value=""/>
     <input type="hidden" name="creator_language" value="en"/>

The raw content of the POST message received via the configured , would look something like the following :
Attention: The POST message above does not contain line breaks. It has been shown with line breaks above for clarity. The "&" is the parameter separator.

The service user details and should be extracted and stored by the partner service. They will be used to obtained the access tokens for the connection to the customer DeepCloud API's.
The "state" parameter defined for the Administration DeepCloud "third-party-connection" URL call, will be sent with the the post_form request. The "state" value can be used to validate the request.

Manual Copy-Paste

After logging into DeepCloud, authorize the creation of the service user for accessing your DeepCloud account. The service user credentials must be copied manually to the client application, as they are only displayed once.

The service user credentials and are needed for the token request.

Step 3 : Token Endpoint

The authorization of the connection to the DeepCloud API's uses the service user credentials obtained in Step 2. An access token is obtained via the Endpoint Token request.

Token EndPoint Request

The Endpoint URL to obtain the access token uses a POST request.

EnvironmentAccess URL

CURL Client Secret

curl -X POST --location "" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
        --data-urlencode "grant_type=password" \
        --data-urlencode "username="   --data-urlencode "password=" \
        --data-urlencode "client_id=" --data-urlencode "client_secret="

HTTP Client Secret

POST /auth/realms/sso/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Attention: The POST call above does not contain line breaks or whitespaces. It has been shown with line breaks above for clarity. The "&" is the parameter separator.

Public Client - No Authorization

POST /auth/realms/sso/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


JSON Web Key Set (JWKS)

POST /auth/realms/sso/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

client_assertion=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIyIn0.eyJpc3Mi...[abbreviated for display]...C4hiUPo
The "client_assertion_type" is a static value (containing the URL encoded string "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer")
The "client_assertion" is an encrypted key, containing the following header and payload information.

Example of Client Assertion Header
  "kid": "YFFeWxTfTvBYznquRRnbsS00DCJcBtxBOcKLKhwBUAk",
  "alg": "RS256"
Example of Client Assertion Payload
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "",
  "aud": "https:\/\/\/auth\/realms\/sso\/protocol\/openid-connect\/token",
  "exp": 1655271852,
  "jti": "594c5c42-69f1-4a25-a5af-4371b182fabb"
Note : The DeepCloud URL value of audience, "aud", must have the slashes escaped.
Further general information about the format of client assertions can be found here in RFC 7523 (e.g. JWT format in section 3).

The client_assertion consists of 3 parts :
  • Base64URLHeader - Base64Url encoded Header
  • Base64URLPayload - Base64Url encoded Payload
  • SignedToken - The content of "Base64URLHeader.Base64URLPayload" signed with the Private key from the JWT (Json Web Token)
The 3 part are combined together separated with a decimal point "." as follows :

Required for the Client Assertion :
  • "kid" : the Json-Web-Key-ID from the JWKS configured in Step 1 (Partner Setup)
  • "alg" : the algorithm (normally RS256)
  • "iss" : the issuer value with the received from the configuration in Step 1 (Partner Setup)
  • "sub" : the subject value with the (same value a issuer)
  • "aud" : the audience value defined by the DeepCloud URL (must match the called DeepCloud Endpoint URL exactly, apart from the escaped slashes)
  • "exp" : the expiry in seconds (typically current time + 60 seconds)
  • "jti" : Json Web Token ID (typically a randommly generated GUID)

Token EndPoint Response

When the Token EndPoint Request call is successful, an access token will be returned similar to the following structure :
  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIg...[abbreviated for display]...bOz-m1Nmh9ee5USu9lxn_ywghpEjTpz71HE17Qgkw",
  "expires_in": 900,
  "refresh_expires_in": 36000,
  "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI...[abbreviated for display]...HMAQUE2I6_HsdoVTVSmD8Wk7wsXNbONaNxfzvCqE",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "not-before-policy": 1569851884,
  "session_state": "84c4de78-b724-4b68-ae37-34e6e1d11a99",
  "scope": "email profile"
The access tokens are valid for a limited time (typically 15 minutes / 900 seconds). The partner service requests a new access token from DeepSSO when the current access token expires. Access Tokens should be reused within the period they are valid, and not renewed for every request.

The "access_token" is used in the "Authorization" Header to access the DeepCloud API's of the customer.
Example Response from :
      "display_name":"Test Organization DeepSign",
        ...[abbreviated for display]...
    ...[abbreviated for display]...

For further information about using the API to upload and sign PDF documents and start the sign process, please see the separate DeepSign API Documentation.

For a detailed technical overview of all partner set-up options, please see the DeepCloud API Detailed Documentation.

Example Java Code

The following demonstrates how the client_assertion could be generated with Java classes using the Nimbus JOSE + JWT components available on Maven repositories.

Note: The and the Private Key created via JWKS should be stored in secure locations. The values are shown in the source code sample below for simplicity.
package ch.abacus.example;

import com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWEAlgorithm;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSHeader;
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSSigner;
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSASigner;
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK;
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyUse;
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.RSAKey;
import com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet;
import com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;

 * An example class to demonstrate the creation of a serialized Client-Assertion for the Access-Token request
 * This class uses the Maven components from com.nimbusds.*
 * Maven dependencies for the com.nimbusds  library :
 *         <!-- JWT/JWK handling -->
 *         <dependency>
 *             <groupId>com.nimbusds</groupId>
 *             <artifactId>nimbus-jose-jwt</artifactId>
 *             <version>${nimbus-jose-jwt.version}</version>
 *         </dependency>
public class JwtClientAssertionUtililty {

     * Return Private Key created via JWKS (Json Web Key Set) via
     * This private key should match the JWKS public key supplied for the registration of the JWKS (Json-Web-Key-Set), Callback-URL and Logo
     * @return return the serialized Private Key in Json format
    private String getSerializedPrivateRsaKey() {
        return "{" +
                "\"p\":\"_-JXX6poWyMFWtp9sBAIW...[abbreviated for display]...9I0p-CRZYA1t3a69mYZl0-Fc\"," +
                "\"kty\":\"RSA\"," +
                "\"q\":\"6WGBCmB0KCZ8Tt...[abbreviated for display]...B6ROhJn3Hx3wzkzBJeYhpkzhP8\"," +
                "\"d\":\"dOjw6zwHWWs4uarETEwS1TzplSXKI6FDnFUK1k3P5AzIS0...[abbreviated for display]...lZvdI8PCnA5UB4jh4NXu-7hFe4lplbOPNzbrOtXte6nyRQ\"," +
                "\"e\":\"AQAB\"," +
                "\"use\":\"sig\"," +
                "\"kid\":\"YFFeWxTfTvBYznquRRnbsS00DCJcBtxBOcKLKhwBUAk\"," +
                "\"qi\":\"TVR4bCaz9Tn2womg...[abbreviated for display]...bPrjoSRtB7rTAyfS77rJ0AMraNiqKyE\"," +
                "\"dp\":\"HuhL_XYr3LZCM1Mo01dcasPE...[abbreviated for display]...2yS9_qqbtTUnGxifSVTK2KoTymmA0k\"," +
                "\"alg\":\"RS256\"," +
                "\"dq\":\"SfS8D63BIXgQrG1tnaTe75K...[abbreviated for display]...IN6rFSDcQOkJhrLWPInWK0xiHXD_cE\"," +
                "\"n\":\"srfsGWNEjanMMZ0HP7gORejXIyGXv75ZB-LG9AvQhgVsOUxhMfR965L8J...[abbreviated for display]...LfohzZ5J-U56wFOQhFEjqeO3oxz7uKqGZzswdz7Q\"" +

     * This is the  that is received after the registration of the Json-Web-Key-Set, Callback-URL and Logo
     * @return the 
    private String getRegistrationServiceClientId() {
        return "";

     * The DeepCloud OpenId Connection Token Endpoint URL.  This must exactly match the URL called when retrieving the
     * Access Token
     * @return the DeepCloud OpenId Connection Token Endpoint URL
    private String getDeepCloudAuthenicationOpenIdConnectTokenEndpoint() {
        return "";

     * Creates the RSA Private Key Object from the serialized content of the Private Key
     * @return RSA Private Key Object
    public RSAKey getRsaPrivateKey() {
        String serializedRsaKey = getSerializedPrivateRsaKey();
        if (serializedRsaKey.length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The application requires an RSA Private-Key. The configuration must include one.");
        try {
            // Creates the Json Web Key with the  com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.JWK  and  com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.RSAKey  library objects
            JWK parsedKey = JWK.parse(serializedRsaKey);
            RSAKey key = new RSAKey.Builder(parsedKey.toRSAKey())
            return key;
        } catch (Exception ge) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse the RSA key specified with the property : " + ge.getMessage());

     * Generates the full client_assertion parameter content used for the access token request :
     * Example :
     *      "client_assertion=" + getClientAssertion()
     * The format of the client assertion is : base64Url(header).base64Url(payload).signed_token
     * @return returns client_assertion content value
     * @throws Exception
    public final String getClientAssertion() throws Exception {
        // Create RSA-signer with the private key from the JWKS (Json Web Key Set)
        RSAKey privateKey = getRsaPrivateKey();
        JWSSigner privateKeySigner;
        try {
            privateKeySigner = new RSASSASigner(privateKey);
        } catch (JOSEException ge) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR:  Failed to get an RSA signer instance from the RSA key for the client assertion.", ge);

        // Build the Payload part for the "client_assertion"
        JWTClaimsSet claimsSet = new JWTClaimsSet.Builder()
                .expirationTime(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 1000))

        JWSAlgorithm algorithm = JWSAlgorithm.RS256;
        SignedJWT signedJWT = new SignedJWT(new JWSHeader.Builder(algorithm).keyID(privateKey.getKeyID()).build(), claimsSet);

        try {
        } catch (JOSEException ge) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR: Failed sign the client assertion.", ge);
        return signedJWT.serialize();

Example C#.NET Code

The following demonstrates how the client_assertion could be generated with C#.NET classes using the Jose components and the System.Security.Cryptography classes from .NET .

Note: The and the Private Key created via JWKS should be stored in secure locations. The values are shown in the source code sample below for simplicity.
using System;
using System.Text;
using Jose;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

 * An example class to demonstrate the creation of a serialized Client-Assertion for the Access-Token request
 * This class uses the Jose components from .NET and the System.Security.Cryptography classes to create the
 * client_assertion
namespace AbacusRestApiExample
    public class JwtClientAssertionUtililty
         * Return Private Key created via JWKS (Json Web Key Set) via
         * This private key should match the JWKS public key supplied for the registration of the JWKS (Json-Web-Key-Set), Callback-URL and Logo
         * @return return the serialized Private Key in Json format
        private String getSerializedPrivateRsaKey()
            return "{" +
                    "\"p\":\"_-JXX6poWyMFWtp9sBAIW...[abbreviated for display]...9I0p-CRZYA1t3a69mYZl0-Fc\"," +
                    "\"kty\":\"RSA\"," +
                    "\"q\":\"6WGBCmB0KCZ8Tt...[abbreviated for display]...B6ROhJn3Hx3wzkzBJeYhpkzhP8\"," +
                    "\"d\":\"dOjw6zwHWWs4uarETEwS1TzplSXKI6FDnFUK1k3P5AzIS0...[abbreviated for display]...lZvdI8PCnA5UB4jh4NXu-7hFe4lplbOPNzbrOtXte6nyRQ\"," +
                    "\"e\":\"AQAB\"," +
                    "\"use\":\"sig\"," +
                    "\"kid\":\"YFFeWxTfTvBYznquRRnbsS00DCJcBtxBOcKLKhwBUAk\"," +
                    "\"qi\":\"TVR4bCaz9Tn2womg...[abbreviated for display]...bPrjoSRtB7rTAyfS77rJ0AMraNiqKyE\"," +
                    "\"dp\":\"HuhL_XYr3LZCM1Mo01dcasPE...[abbreviated for display]...2yS9_qqbtTUnGxifSVTK2KoTymmA0k\"," +
                    "\"alg\":\"RS256\"," +
                    "\"dq\":\"SfS8D63BIXgQrG1tnaTe75K...[abbreviated for display]...IN6rFSDcQOkJhrLWPInWK0xiHXD_cE\"," +
                    "\"n\":\"srfsGWNEjanMMZ0HP7gORejXIyGXv75ZB-LG9AvQhgVsOUxhMfR965L8J...[abbreviated for display]...LfohzZ5J-U56wFOQhFEjqeO3oxz7uKqGZzswdz7Q\"" +

         * This is the Partner-Service-Client-ID that is received after the registration of the Json-Web-Key-Set, Callback-URL and Logo
         * @return the Partner-Service-Client-ID
        private String getRegistrationServiceClientId()
            return "";

         * The DeepCloud OpenId Connection Token Endpoint URL.  This must exactly match the URL called when retrieving the
         * Access Token
         * @return the DeepCloud OpenId Connection Token Endpoint URL
        public virtual String getDeepCloudAuthenicationOpenIdConnectTokenEndpoint()
            return "";

         * Returns expiry seconds as current time plus 10 minutes (10 minutes * 60)
        private long getExpirySeconds()
            return DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + (60 * 10);  // 10 minutes in the future

         * Converts a string to Bytes using the Base64 URL conversions
        private byte[] getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(String value)
            return Base64Url.Decode(value);

         * Generates the full client_assertion parameter content used for the access token request :
         * Example :
         *      "client_assertion=" + getClientAssertion()
         * The format of the client assertion is : base64Url(header).base64Url(payload).signed_token
        public String getClientAssertion()
            // Ref Example :

            String serializedPrivateRsaKey = getSerializedPrivateRsaKey();

            // Create the RSA key with the specific parameters from the serialized Json Private Key
            RSAParameters keyParams = new RSAParameters();
            keyParams.P = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("p", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.Q = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("q", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.D = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("d", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.Exponent = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("e", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.InverseQ = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("qi", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.DP = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("dp", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.DQ = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("dq", serializedPrivateRsaKey));
            keyParams.Modulus = getStringAsBase64UrlBytes(extractSimpleJsonValue("n", serializedPrivateRsaKey));

            // The original Json Private Key was created with length 2048
            RSA key = RSA.Create(2048);

            String audience = getDeepCloudAuthenicationOpenIdConnectTokenEndpoint().Replace("/", "\\/");

            String claimSetString = "{" +
                "\"iss\":\"" + getRegistrationServiceClientId() + "\"" + "," +
                "\"sub\":\"" + getRegistrationServiceClientId() + "\"" + "," +
                "\"aud\":\"" + audience + "\"" + "," +
                "\"exp\":" + getExpirySeconds() + "," +
                "\"jti\":\"" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\"" +

            String kid = extractSimpleJsonValue("kid", serializedPrivateRsaKey);
            String alg = extractSimpleJsonValue("alg", serializedPrivateRsaKey);
            String headerString = "{" +
                    "\"kid\":\"" + kid + "\"" + "," +
                    "\"alg\":\"" + alg + "\"" +
            String base64ClaimSet = Base64Url.Encode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(claimSetString));
            String base64Header = Base64Url.Encode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(headerString));

            String signingInputString = base64Header + "." + base64ClaimSet;

            RSACryptoServiceProvider RSAalg = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);

            String tokenSigned = Base64Url.Encode(RSAalg.SignData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signingInputString), SHA256.Create()));

            return signingInputString + "." + tokenSigned;

         * Simple extraction routine to retrieve a specified parameter value from the serialized Json Private Key
         * Note : this is shown for demonstration.  Other functions are available in .NET to handle Json structures
         * @return return the specified parameter value for the serialized Json Private Key
        private String extractSimpleJsonValue(String paramName, String jsonContent)
            if (paramName == null || jsonContent == null || "".Equals(paramName) || "".Equals(jsonContent)) return "";
            String value = "";
            String delimeter = "\"";
            String jsonParamName = delimeter + paramName + delimeter;
            int ipos = jsonContent.IndexOf(jsonParamName);
            if (ipos > 0)
                value = jsonContent.Substring(ipos + jsonParamName.Length).Trim();
                if (value.StartsWith(":"))
                    value = value.Substring(1).Trim();
                // Search the end for comma or end bracket
                ipos = value.IndexOf(",");
                if (ipos > 0)
                    value = value.Substring(0, ipos).Trim();
                ipos = value.IndexOf("}");
                if (ipos > 0)
                    value = value.Substring(0, ipos).Trim();
                if (value.StartsWith(delimeter))
                    value = value.Substring(1).Trim();
                if (value.EndsWith(delimeter))
                    value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1);
            return value;

Example PHP Code

The following demonstrates how the client_assertion could be generated with PHP openssl_* methods.

Note: The and the Private Key created via JWKS should be stored in secure locations. The values are shown in the source code sample below for simplicity.
 * An example class to demonstrate the creation of a serialized Client-Assertion for the Access-Token request
 * Example of use :
 *  $caUtility = new ClientAssertionUtility();
 *  $clientAssertionParam = "client_assertion=" . $caUtility->getClientAssertion();
class ClientAssertionUtility {

     * Returns Private Key created via JWKS (Json Web Key Set) via
     * This private key should match the JWKS public key supplied for the registration of the JWKS (Json-Web-Key-Set), Callback-URL and Logo
    function getSerializedPrivateRsaKey() {
        return "{" .
            "\"p\": \"_-JXX6poWyMFWtp9sBAIW...[abbreviated for display]...9I0p-CRZYA1t3a69mYZl0-Fc\"," .
            "\"kty\": \"RSA\"," .
            "\"q\": \"6WGBCmB0KCZ8Tt...[abbreviated for display]...B6ROhJn3Hx3wzkzBJeYhpkzhP8\"," .
            "\"d\": \"dOjw6zwHWWs4uarETEwS1TzplSXKI6FDnFUK1k3P5AzIS0...[abbreviated for display]...lZvdI8PCnA5UB4jh4NXu-7hFe4lplbOPNzbrOtXte6nyRQ\"," .
            "\"e\": \"AQAB\"," .
            "\"use\": \"sig\"," .
            "\"kid\": \"YFFeWxTfTvBYznquRRnbsS00DCJcBtxBOcKLKhwBUAk\"," .
            "\"qi\": \"TVR4bCaz9Tn2womg...[abbreviated for display]...bPrjoSRtB7rTAyfS77rJ0AMraNiqKyE\"," .
            "\"dp\": \"HuhL_XYr3LZCM1Mo01dcasPE...[abbreviated for display]...2yS9_qqbtTUnGxifSVTK2KoTymmA0k\"," .
            "\"alg\": \"RS256\"," .
            "\"dq\": \"SfS8D63BIXgQrG1tnaTe75K...[abbreviated for display]...IN6rFSDcQOkJhrLWPInWK0xiHXD_cE\"," .
            "\"n\": \"srfsGWNEjanMMZ0HP7gORejXIyGXv75ZB-LG9AvQhgVsOUxhMfR965L8J...[abbreviated for display]...LfohzZ5J-U56wFOQhFEjqeO3oxz7uKqGZzswdz7Q\"" .

     * Returns PEM Private Key corresponding to the Json Private key created via JWKS (Json Web Key Set) via
     * The PEM private key must correspond to the JWKS public key supplied for the registration of the JWKS (Json-Web-Key-Set), Callback-URL and Logo
    function getPrivatePemKey() {
        // Can be a "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" or "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
        return "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" . "\n" .
                "MIIEogIBA...[abbreviated for display]...BV0Boo83kk" . "\n" .
                "++IUwFV6A...[abbreviated for display]...XZmZPc5jDZ" . "\n" .
                "           ...[abbreviated for display]...            " . "\n" .
                "cVh0/zGmQ...[abbreviated for display]...Qw5cA0OEycmUKG" . "\n" .
                "CttStNMcj...[abbreviated for display]...KyE=" . "\n" .
                "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";

     * This is the Partner-Service-Client-ID that is received after the registration of the Json-Web-Key-Set, Callback-URL and Logo
    function getRegistrationServiceClientId() {
        return "";

     * The DeepCloud OpenId Connection Token Endpoint URL.  This must exactly match the URL called when retrieving the
     * Access Token
    function getDeepCloudAuthenicationOpenIdConnectTokenEndpoint() {
        return "";

     * Returns expiry seconds as current time plus 10 minutes (10 minutes * 60)
    function getExpirySeconds()
        return time() + (60 * 10);  // 10 minutes in the future

     * Generates the full client_assertion parameter content used for the access token request :
     * Example :
     *      "client_assertion=" + getClientAssertion()
     * The format of the client assertion is : base64Url(header).base64Url(payload).signed_token
     * @return returns client_assertion content value
     * @throws Exception
    function getClientAssertion() {
        // Load JWKS Private key in Json String format
        $testPrivateKeyJsonStruct = json_decode($this->getSerializedPrivateRsaKey(), true);

        if ( JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error() ) {
            return "";

        // Extract "kid" and "alg" values from Json structure
        $kidValue = $testPrivateKeyJsonStruct["kid"];
        $jwksAlgValue = $testPrivateKeyJsonStruct["alg"];

        $exp = $this->getExpirySeconds(); // Expiry seconds as current time plus 10 minutes (10 minutes * 60)
        $client_id = $this->getRegistrationServiceClientId();
        $jti = $this->create_guid();  // Can be any one-time unique value

        // The audience value is the Endpoint URL with escaped slash
        $audience = str_replace("/", "\\/", $this->getDeepCloudAuthenicationOpenIdConnectTokenEndpoint());

        // Create the header and payload stuctures
        $header = '{"kid":"' . $kidValue . '","alg":"' . $jwksAlgValue . '"}';
        $payload = '{"iss":"'.$client_id.'","sub":"'.$client_id.'","aud":"' . $audience . '","exp":'.$exp.',"jti":"'.$jti.'"}';

        $base64_unsigned_token = $this->base64url_encode($header).".".base64url_encode($payload);
        $signature = "";

        // Depending on the PHP Server configuration the PEM Private key can be generated using
        // the key pair from "openssl_pkey_new(..)" and private key "export openssl_pkey_export(..)" method
        // Note: depending on the PHP Version and PHP SSL Server configuration this method may not generate the PEM key correctly
        // Alternative is to load the PEM key, that has been generated from another source

        // Create the key pair from the Json JWKS Private key structure
        // $new_key_pair2 = openssl_pkey_new($testPrivateKeyJsonStruct);

        // Create private PEM from key pair
        //openssl_pkey_export($new_key_pair2, $privateKeyPem);

        // Alternative : Load PEM key from externally generated source
        $privateKeyPem = $this->getPrivatePemKey();

        $encMethodName = "SHA256";
        openssl_sign($base64_unsigned_token, $signature, $privateKeyPem, $encMethodName);

        // free the key from memory

        return $base64_unsigned_token . "." . $this->base64url_encode($signature);

     * Helper method to convert value with Base64-URL encoding
    function base64url_encode($data) {
       return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '=');

    // Create a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
    function create_guid() {
        $guid = '';
        $namespace = rand(11111, 99999);
        $uid = uniqid('', true);
        $data = $namespace;
        $data .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
        $data .= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
        $data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        $data .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
        $hash = strtoupper(hash('ripemd128', $uid . $guid . md5($data)));
        $guid = substr($hash,  0,  8) . '-' .
                substr($hash,  8,  4) . '-' .
                substr($hash, 12,  4) . '-' .
                substr($hash, 16,  4) . '-' .
                substr($hash, 20, 12);
        return strtolower($guid);